Glossary Of Web Development Terms

Hi there!,  Tech can sometimes feel like a whole different language, full of jargon and confusing terms that can leave you scratching your head. That’s why we’ve put together this handy glossary, especially to help non techincal people understand the most common used terms in the kind of projects we are involved in.

We have done our best to include the most relevent terms at the time of writing but feel free to contact us if you feel we have left anything out or haver any concerns with our definition.

301 Redirect

A permanent redirection from one URL to another. Used to preserve SEO rankings when a page is moved or deleted.


An HTTP status code indicating that the page the user tried to access doesn’t exist on the server.

Above the Fold

The portion of a webpage visible without scrolling. Key content should be placed here for maximum visibility.


A project management methodology that emphasizes iterative development, flexibility, and collaboration between teams.

AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript And XML)

A technique allowing web pages to update content asynchronously without reloading the entire page.

ALT Attribute

An HTML attribute used in images to describe the content, crucial for accessibility and SEO.

API (Application Programming Interface)

A set of protocols allowing one software application to communicate with another.


A software program designed to perform a specific function for a user or another application.

Atomic Design / Kitchen Sink

A design methodology that breaks down a design into smaller components, allowing for consistency and scalability.

Back End

The part of a website or application that processes and manages data. It’s invisible to users and often powered by databases and servers.


A copy of data saved to prevent loss in case of a system failure.


A section of content or functionality in a page layout that is treated as a standalone unit.


Designated points where a website’s layout changes to ensure responsiveness across devices (e.g., mobile, tablet, desktop).


An error or flaw in software or a website that prevents it from functioning correctly.


A chart used in Agile project management to track the amount of work left in a sprint.


Temporary storage of web data to improve page load speeds by reducing the need to fetch resources from the server each time.

CMS (Content Management System)

A software application for creating and managing digital content without needing to code.


A developer tool for debugging websites and applications by showing errors, logs, and warnings.


Small files stored on a user’s device by websites to remember preferences, track activity, or maintain sessions.


The action a website visitor takes to achieve a goal (e.g., making a purchase, filling out a form). The conversion rate measures the percentage of visitors who take that action.

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)

A style sheet language used for describing the appearance of web pages, including layout, colors, and fonts.

CTA (Call to Action)

An instruction to the user to provoke an immediate response, like “Buy Now” or “Sign Up.”


A structured set of data stored electronically and used by websites or applications to retrieve and manage information.


The process of releasing a website or application to a live environment after development.


DevOps is a combination of development and operations practices aimed at improving collaboration between software developers and IT operations teams. It’s all about streamlining the process of building, testing, and releasing software, so updates and features can be delivered faster and more reliably. By automating tasks, integrating continuous testing, and enhancing communication, DevOps helps teams produce better software more efficiently, while also ensuring stability and security throughout the development lifecycle. It’s a culture as much as it is a set of tools and techniques.

End User / Audience

The individual or group that ultimately uses a product, service, or website.


A small icon representing a website, visible in the browser tab.


A space in a form or database where information can be entered.


A term often referring to foundational principles or methodologies in development or project management.

Front End / Creative / Design

The visual elements of a website or application that users interact with.

Front End Development

The process of building the part of a website or app that users see and interact with, typically using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.


Git is a popular version control system that helps developers track changes to their code over time. It allows multiple people to work on a project simultaneously, keeps a history of all changes made, and makes it easy to roll back to previous versions if needed. Think of it as a safety net for your code, ensuring that no matter how many changes are made, you can always access the original or earlier versions. Git is widely used in software development and is the foundation for platforms like GitHub.


A service providing storage space for websites on a server, making them accessible on the internet.

HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)

The standard language for creating web pages and applications.

Image Resolution

Image resolution refers to the amount of detail an image holds, typically measured in pixels. The higher the resolution, the more pixels are packed into the image, which makes it sharper and clearer. Resolution is usually expressed as width × height, like 1920 × 1080 (which is Full HD). In simpler terms, the more pixels, the crisper the image looks, especially when zooming in or displaying it on larger screens. Lower resolution images can appear blurry or pixelated, while higher resolution images are clearer but take up more storage space.


The process of connecting various software systems (e.g., ERP, CRM) to work together seamlessly.


A programming language that enables interactive web pages, often used for features like animations or form validations.

JavaScript Library

A collection of pre-written JavaScript code that simplifies development tasks (e.g., jQuery).


JPG is a commonly used image format known for compressing images to reduce file size while maintaining decent quality. It’s great for photographs and detailed images where you need to balance quality and file size. However, since it uses lossy compression, some detail is lost when the file is saved, especially with higher compression levels.


A popular JavaScript library that simplifies complex coding tasks.

Local Machine

The personal computer or device used for development before code is deployed to a server.

Meta Tag

HTML elements that provide metadata about a web page, including keywords, descriptions, and author information for SEO.


A self-contained unit of functionality in a software system or eCommerce platform.

MoSCoW (Must offer, Should offer, Could offer, Won’t offer)

A prioritization method in project management, categorizing tasks by importance.


The system or menu used to help users find content on a website.


Software with publicly accessible source code, allowing developers to modify and distribute it (e.g., WordPress, Magento).

Page Template

A pre-designed layout used for building multiple pages with a consistent structure.


A hierarchy used in websites and databases where one item (parent) is connected to others (children).


A software component that adds a specific feature to an existing application (e.g., SEO plugins for WordPress).


PNG is a lossless image format, meaning it preserves all the image’s detail, even after compression. It’s perfect for images with transparency or sharp edges, like logos, icons, and graphics, but it tends to have larger file sizes compared to JPG. PNG maintains high quality without losing any data, making it ideal for web graphics and designs.


The status of content that is live and viewable by the public on a website.

QA (Quality Assurance/Testing)

The process of testing software or a website to identify bugs and ensure it works correctly.


A designated area on a web page for specific content, often used in responsive design.


A company or organization that manages the reservation of domain names.

Responsive Design

A design approach that ensures a website looks good and functions well across various devices and screen sizes.

Scope Creep

The tendency for a project’s requirements to increase over time, often leading to delays or budget overruns.

Search Engine Bot

Automated software that crawls websites to collect information for search engines (e.g., Googlebot).

Security Update

A software update that fixes vulnerabilities to prevent hacking or data breaches.

SEO (Search Engine Optimisation)

The process of improving a website’s visibility in search engine results by optimizing content, keywords, and structure.


A computer system that hosts websites, applications, and databases, making them accessible via the internet.


A file or page that lists all the URLs of a website to help search engines index it more efficiently.


An interactive feature that allows users to scroll through images or content, often found on the homepage.

Source Code

The original code written by developers to create a website or application.


A set period during which specific tasks must be completed, part of the Agile methodology.

Story Points

A unit of measurement used in Agile project management to estimate the complexity of tasks.

SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics)

SVG is an image format used for creating vector graphics, which are based on mathematical equations rather than pixels. This means SVG images can be scaled to any size without losing quality, making them ideal for logos, icons, and illustrations that need to look sharp on all screen sizes. Unlike formats like JPG or PNG, SVG files are text-based (written in XML), so they can be easily edited, animated, and searched. They’re also lightweight, making them great for use on websites to keep loading times fast.


The categorization of content on a website, like tags, categories, or labels.

Technical Specification/Requirements

A detailed description of the technical aspects and functionalities required for a project or product.

Tag / Term / Category

A method of organizing content by labels or keywords to improve navigation and SEO.


A pre-designed template that dictates the look and feel of a website.

URL/Domain Name

The web address that users type into a browser to visit a website (e.g.,

User Experience/Interaction (UX/UI)

The design of user interfaces and the overall experience users have when interacting with a website or app.

User Generated Content (UGC)

Content created by users, such as reviews, comments, or social media posts.

Version Control

A system that tracks changes to code and documents, allowing developers to revert to previous versions if needed.


A traditional project management methodology where tasks are completed sequentially.


WebP is a modern image format developed by Google that provides both lossless and lossy compression. It’s designed to reduce file sizes significantly without sacrificing too much quality, making web pages load faster. WebP is increasingly popular for web use because it combines the best features of JPG and PNG. Small file sizes with high-quality images and transparency support.

Web Page

A document accessible via the internet that typically forms part of a website.


A skeletal design of a website or application used to plan its structure and layout.

WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get)

A content editing interface where users can see how the final result will look as they create it.

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